
Continuous Glucose Telemetry

Advancing diabetes research with 24/7 continual monitoring.

DSI’s Continual Glucose Telemetry is the first and only solution providing continuous, uninterrupted monitoring of blood glucose levels, improving the reliability and quality of diabetes studies while supporting best practices in the ethical treatment of lab animals. It provides complete, uncompromised data for blood glucose, while reducing the risk of errors caused by common staff training variability.



We’re revolutionizing diabetes research at preclinical labs.

Up to 68% reduction in the number of samples needed.

Because you’re collecting more and better data, you’ll be able to achieve the same results with up to 68% fewer samples. Continual Glucose Telemetry also means a reduction in risk of infection, need for medication, and stress on the animals.

Ready to learn more?

We’re here to help. Contact us for questions or quoting information.